加拿大住房市场保持稳定,销售稳定,价格不变,新的上市率不断上升。 Canada's housing market remains stable with steady sales, unchanged prices, and rising new listings.
加拿大的住房市场仍然非常稳定,房屋销售稳定,物价不变,新上市的房价上升了12.7%。 Canada's housing market remains remarkably stable, with home sales steady, prices unchanged, and new listings rising 12.7% YoY. 尽管市场并没有受到加拿大银行利率削减的重大影响,但这一平衡防止了价格的迅速上涨,促进了库存的增长。 This balance prevents rapid price increases and contributes to inventory growth, even though the market hasn't been significantly impacted by Bank of Canada interest rate cuts. 99%的抵押贷款持有者表现良好,这表明了市场的复原力。 The market's resilience is demonstrated by the 99% of mortgage holders in good standing.