多伦多的房屋销售和平均价格在12月下跌,但更多的名单给买家带来了2025年的希望。 Toronto home sales and average prices fell in December, but more listings offer buyers hope for 2025.
12月,大多伦多的房屋销售下降1.8%,售出3 359套房屋,平均价格下跌1.6%,跌至1 067 186美元。 In December, Greater Toronto home sales declined by 1.8%, with 3,359 homes sold, and the average price dropped 1.6% to $1,067,186. 尽管高利率对支付能力构成挑战,但市场新上市率上升了16.4%,给买家更多的选择,防止了价格大幅上涨。 Despite high interest rates posing affordability challenges, the market saw a 16.4% rise in new listings, giving buyers more choices and preventing wide price hikes. 多伦多地区房地产委员会预计2025年将进一步改善,因为预计加拿大银行将削减利率,房价将保持在历史最高点以下。 The Toronto Regional Real Estate Board expects further improvements in 2025 due to anticipated Bank of Canada rate cuts and home prices remaining below historic peaks.