据 Royal LePage 报道,加拿大央行降息并没有增加购房者的需求。 Bank of Canada's interest rate cut did not increase homebuyer demand, as reported by Royal LePage.
据皇家地产报告称,与预期相反,加拿大央行上个月将利率下调了四分之一个百分点,但并未导致购房需求激增。 Despite predictions, the Bank of Canada's quarter-point interest rate cut last month did not result in a surge of homebuyer demand, according to a Royal LePage report. 报告显示,草原省份和魁北克省的需求仍然超过供应,但多伦多和温哥华今年春季的活动比往常慢。 The report shows demand still outpacing supply in the Prairies and Quebec, but Toronto and Vancouver experienced slower-than-usual activity this spring. Royal LePage 首席执行官 Phil Soper 指出,加拿大最大市场的房价仍然居高不下。 Royal LePage CEO Phil Soper noted prices have remained high in Canada's largest markets.