APA Corp计划以10亿美元出售二叠纪盆地钻探项目,重点关注页岩油和减少债务。 APA Corp plans a $1bn sale of Permian Basin drilling properties, focusing on shale and reducing debt.
通过其Apache子公司, APA公司正在探索在德克萨斯州和新墨西哥州的珀米亚盆地出售10亿美元的石油和天然气钻探财产. APA Corp, via its Apache subsidiary, is exploring a $1bn sale of oil and gas drilling properties in the Permian Basin, Texas and New Mexico. 该公司正与RBC Richardson Barr和Truist证券公司合作,调整页岩业务的重点,减少6.7bn债务。 The company is working with RBC Richardson Barr and Truist Securities to refocus operations on shale and reduce its $6.7bn debt. 这些钻探资产每天生产22 000桶石油当量,分布在新墨西哥州和得克萨斯州的西北大陆架、北大陆架和中央盆地平台。 The drilling assets, producing 22,000 barrels of oil eqv/day, are spread across the Northwest Shelf, Northern Shelf, and Central Basin Platform in New Mexico and Texas.