伦敦的TfL为重命名的Weaver线的纺织标志设计寻求公众投入,这是更新六条地面线名称和颜色工作的一部分。 London's TfL seeks public input for a textile sign design for the renamed Weaver line, part of an effort to update names and colors for six Overground lines.
伦敦伦敦运输公司(TfL)邀请公众参与为更名为Weaver的线路创建新的伦敦地面标志纺织品版。 London's Transport for London (TfL) invites public participation in creating a textile version of the new London Overground sign for the renamed Weaver line. Weaver线和其他五条地面线将从秋天收到新的名称和颜色,以改善网络导航。 The Weaver line, along with five other Overground lines, will receive new names and colors from autumn to improve network navigation. 9月8日和30日将在Chingford社区中心举行编织会议,以创建挂毯,象征着合作、团结和伦敦人的创造力。 Weaving sessions will be held at Chingford Community Hub on September 8 and 30 to create the tapestry, which symbolizes collaboration, unity, and Londoners' creativity. 其他线路将称为Lioness、Mildmay、Windrush、Suffragette和自由,作为伦敦公共交通地图主要更新的一部分。 Other lines will be named Lioness, Mildmay, Windrush, Suffragette, and Liberty as part of the major update in London's public transport maps.