伦敦引入了隧道通行费,可能使交通状况恶化,以改善行程时间和空气质量。 London introduces tunnel tolls, potentially worsening traffic, to improve journey times and air quality.
从4月7日起,伦敦运输公司(TfL)将对新的银城隧道和黑墙隧道征收通行费。 Transport for London (TfL) will introduce tolls on the new Silvertown tunnel and the Blackwall tunnel starting April 7. Geotab是一家追踪技术公司,它警告说,这可能使伦敦中部的交通恶化,去年在黑墙隧道关闭期间,5 500多次商业车辆行程被改道。 Geotab, a tracking technology company, warns this could worsen traffic in central London, as seen when over 5,500 commercial vehicle journeys were rerouted during Blackwall tunnel closures last year. TfL称,新的隧道将缩短行程时间,改善空气质量,在高峰时段为HGV提供专用公共汽车、HGV车道和10英镑的通行费,减少到5英镑以上。 TfL asserts the new tunnel will reduce journey times and improve air quality, with dedicated bus and HGV lanes and tolls of £10 for HGVs during peak hours, reduced to £5 off-peak.