前Manipur MLA Nahakpam Indrajit的住所遭到手榴弹袭击,无人受伤。 Former Manipur MLA Nahakpam Indrajit's residence attacked by grenade, no injuries.
周六晚上,前曼尼普尔邦MLA Nahakpam Indrajit在英帕尔东部的住所遭到手榴弹袭击,损坏了大门,但没有人员受伤的报告。 Former Manipur MLA Nahakpam Indrajit's residence in Imphal East was targeted by a grenade attack on Saturday night, damaging the gate but no injuries reported. 袭击者乘坐一辆汽车在雨季抵达。 The assailants, in a car, arrived during rainy conditions. Porompat警察正在调查,动机不明,尽管Indrajit被一个地下团体警告,要为据称与毒品有关的活动投降。 Porompat police are investigating, with a motive unclear, although Indrajit was warned by an underground group to surrender for alleged drug-related activities. 警察和法医小组正在努力查明袭击者的身份,并与警告建立直接联系。 The police and forensics team are working to identify the attackers and establish a direct link to the warning.