警察在对查谟和克什米尔领土军队营地的一次手榴弹袭击中逮捕了三名嫌疑人。 Police arrested three suspects in a grenade attack on a Territorial Army camp in Jammu and Kashmir.
查谟和克什米尔警方逮捕了3个人,他们参与1月7日对Hamray Pattan地区陆军营地的手榴弹袭击。 Police in Jammu and Kashmir have arrested three individuals involved in a grenade attack on a Territorial Army camp in Hamray Pattan on January 7. 这次袭击造成了破坏,但没有人员受伤的报道。 The attack caused damage but no injuries were reported. 嫌犯在24小时内被捕,警方缴获了一枚手榴弹、一支AK系列步枪、一支手枪和250多发弹药。 The suspects were apprehended within 24 hours, and police seized a hand grenade, an AK series rifle, a pistol, and over 250 rounds of ammunition. 当局登记了一个案件并启动了法律程序。 Authorities have registered a case and initiated legal proceedings.