斯里兰卡选举候选人提出多达1,000卢比的竞选支出; 选举委员会宣布支出限额,如果超过支出限额,则进行审计。 Sri Lanka election candidates propose up to Rs.1,000 campaign spending; Election Commission to announce spending limits and audit if exceeded.
斯里兰卡选举的关键候选人提议,每个参加竞选的选民支出最高可达1 000卢比(4.50美元),并列举了直升机飞行和外包海报印刷的费用。 Key candidates in Sri Lanka's elections propose spending up to Rs.1,000 ($4.50) per voter in campaigns, citing costs for helicopter rides and outsourced poster printing. 选举委员会将宣布其关于新的《竞选财务法》规定的可接受的支出限额的决定,要求候选人申报资金来源并遵守这一限额。 The Election Commission is set to announce its decision on acceptable spending limits under the new Campaign Finance Act, requiring candidates to declare funding sources and adhere to the limit. 如果超支,委员会将审计并公布资金情况,允许公民采取法律行动。 If exceeded, the Commission will audit and publicize funding, allowing citizens to take legal action.