查谟和克什米尔地区选举当局在人民院选举期间缴获了价值 9.5 亿卢比的现金和赠品,其中包括酒类。 Election authorities in Jammu and Kashmir seized Rs 95 crore worth of cash and freebies, including liquor, during Lok Sabha elections.
在分为五个阶段的人民院选举中,查谟和克什米尔地区选举当局缴获了价值 9.5 亿卢比的现金和赠品,其中包括酒类。 Election authorities in Jammu and Kashmir seized Rs 95 crore worth of cash and freebies, including liquor, during the five-phase Lok Sabha elections. 尽管克什米尔的投票率创下了历史新高,但一些候选人仍试图利用金钱和免费赠品来影响选民。 Despite a record-breaking voter turnout in Kashmir, some candidates tried to influence voters using money and freebies. 执法机构在选举期间缴获了价值 9.4797 亿卢比的物品和现金,查谟和克什米尔邦警方在遏制金钱和赠品的使用方面发挥了至关重要的作用。 Enforcement agencies seized material and cash worth Rs 94.797 crore during the election period, with J&K Police playing a crucial role in curbing the use of money and freebies.