美洲组织一致通过一项决议,敦促委内瑞拉公布选举结果,并强调透明度和危机协定的遵守。 OAS unanimously adopts a resolution urging Venezuela to publish election results and emphasizes transparency and crisis agreement abidance.
美洲国家组织(美洲组织)一致通过了一项由美国带头、其他11个国家支持的决议,敦促委内瑞拉全国选举委员会在7月28日选举后迅速公布每个投票站的详细选举结果。 The Organization of American States (OAS) has unanimously adopted a resolution, spearheaded by the US and backed by 11 other nations, urging Venezuela's National Electoral Council to swiftly publish detailed election results from each polling station after the July 28 elections. 决议强调透明度、维护人民主权和保护外交设施和人员的重要性。 The resolution emphasizes the importance of transparency, the preservation of popular sovereignty, and the protection of diplomatic facilities and personnel. 安理会还呼吁遵守2021年和2023年签署的协议,解决当前的危机,并关切选举违规和暴力。 It also calls for abiding by agreements signed in 2021 and 2023 to resolve the ongoing crisis, and concerns over electoral irregularities and violence.