大公司在消费者合同中加入仲裁条款,有可能剥夺消费者陪审团审判的权利,有利于熟悉的大公司。 Large companies insert arbitration clauses in consumer contracts, potentially stripping consumers of jury trial rights and favoring familiar large companies.
Walt Disney World、Airbnb和Walmart等公司越来越多地在消费者合同中插入仲裁条款,处理私人诉讼,可能剥夺消费者接受陪审团审判的权利。 Companies like Walt Disney World, Airbnb, and Walmart increasingly insert arbitration clauses in consumer contracts to handle lawsuits privately, potentially stripping consumers of their right to a jury trial. 仲裁条款可以涵盖任何索赔,即使与服务无关,而且被视为有利于熟悉该程序的大公司。 Arbitration clauses can cover any claim, even unrelated to the service, and are seen as favoring large companies familiar with the process. “无限仲裁条款”问题可能需要最高法院干预。 The issue of "infinite arbitration clauses" may need Supreme Court intervention. 批评者认为,虽然仲裁可以具有成本效益和节省时间,但它可能不利于原告,特别是当公司使用宽泛的条款涵盖范围广泛的争议时。 Critics argue that while arbitration can be cost-efficient and time-saving, it can disadvantage plaintiffs, especially when corporations use broad clauses to encompass a wide range of disputes.