印度成为世界第二大钢铁生产国,生产量为1.402亿吨。 India became the world's second-largest steel producer with 140.2 million tons.
自2021年以来,印度一直领导着全球钢需求的增长,预计2024-2025年钢需求将增长8%,这主要是由于基础设施相关部门的扩张。 India has been leading global steel demand growth since 2021, with a projected 8% growth in steel demand from 2024-2025, primarily driven by expansions across infrastructure-related sectors. 2023年,印度成为世界第二大钢铁生产商,生产量为1.402亿吨。 In 2023, India became the world's second-largest steel producer with 140.2 million tons of production. 政府的目标是到2030年将国内钢铁生产能力提高到3亿公吨,到2047年增加到5亿公吨。 The government aims to increase domestic steel-making capacity to 300 million metric tonnes by 2030 and 500 million metric tonnes by 2047.