由于西岸定居者的暴力行为,欧盟计划对以色列官员进行制裁。 EU plans sanctions against Israeli officials due to settler violence in the West Bank.
欧盟外交政策主任何塞普·博雷利宣布计划对以色列官员提出制裁,以回应被占领西岸犹太定居者的暴力攻击。 EU's Foreign Policy Chief, Josep Borrell, announced plans to propose sanctions against Israeli officials in response to violent attacks by Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank. 在博雷尔宣布这一消息之前,定居者对约旦河西岸的一个巴勒斯坦村庄进行了致命袭击,造成一人死亡和重伤。 Borrell's announcement follows a deadly raid by settlers on a Palestinian village in the West Bank, resulting in one death and a serious injury. 巴勒斯坦权力机构称这起事件为“大屠杀”。 The Palestinian Authority called the incident a "pogrom." Borrell要求以色列政府立即停止这些“不可接受的行动”。 Borrell has demanded the Israeli government to immediately stop these "unacceptable actions."