美国铁路公司在康涅狄格州斯托宁顿与小货车相撞,导致服务延误. Amtrak train collides with pickup truck in Stonington, Connecticut, causing service delays.
康涅狄格州斯通顿的一辆小卡车于周五上午8时40分在康涅狄格州斯通顿撞上一辆Amtrak火车,导致新伦敦和金斯敦之间火车服务延误或停留。 An Amtrak train collided with a pickup truck in Stonington, Connecticut at 8:40 AM on Friday, resulting in train service delays or stops between New London and Kingston. 皮卡司机在封闭的门前等待火车通过,在门开关时穿过,然后在门关上另一列火车时逃到安全地带,随后没有受伤。 The driver of the pickup escaped uninjured after waiting at closed gates for a train to pass, crossing when the gates opened, and then bailing to safety as the gates closed for another train. 上午10时30分左右恢复了Amtrak服务。 Amtrak services resumed around 10:30 AM.