英国HSA报告抗生素抗淋病病例增加,英格兰梅毒病例增加9.4%。 UKHSA reports a rise in antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea cases, and a 9.4% increase in syphilis cases in England.
英国卫生安全局 (UKHSA) 警告称,英格兰抗生素耐药性淋病病例有所增加,在2022年6月至2024年5月期间发现了15例耐素的病例,这是用于治疗淋病的第一线药物. UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) warns of a rise in antibiotic-resistant gonorrhoea cases in England, with 15 cases resistant to ceftriaxone, the first-line drug used to treat gonorrhoea, detected between June 2022 and May 2024. 联合王国卫生署正在紧急监测感染的不同菌株,并努力迅速查明病例。 The UKHSA is urgently monitoring different strains of the infection and working to identify cases swiftly. 该机构还报告梅毒病例逐年增加9.4%。 The agency also reported a 9.4% year-on-year increase in syphilis cases.