澳大利亚昆士兰州梅毒爆发增加了先天性梅毒死亡率,促使人们呼吁增加性传播感染筛查。 Syphilis outbreak in Queensland, Australia increases congenital syphilis fatalities, prompting calls for higher STIs screenings.
澳大利亚昆士兰爆发梅毒,导致先天性梅毒死亡率急剧上升,促使人们呼吁进行更多的性传播感染筛查。 An outbreak of syphilis in Queensland, Australia has led to a sharp increase in congenital syphilis fatalities, prompting calls for higher sexually transmitted infection screenings. 早发现梅毒可以很容易地用抗生素治疗,但如果不加治疗,可能导致出生畸形、死胎和神经问题。 Syphilis can be easily treated with antibiotics if detected early, but if left untreated, it can lead to birth abnormalities, stillbirth, and neurological problems. 据信病例增加的原因是安全套使用率下降、偏远地区获得医疗保健的障碍、约会应用程序的使用以及可能与两性发生性行为的男子人数。 The rise in cases is believed to be due to a decrease in condom use, barriers to health care access in remote areas, the use of dating apps, and possibly the number of men who have sex with both genders.