摩托车手在圣加布里埃尔山谷和圣费尔南多山谷之间以每小时140的速度追赶警察, 在影子山投降. Motorcyclist led police chase from San Gabriel Valley to San Fernando Valley at 140 mph, surrendered in Shadow Hills.
一名高速摩托车手带领警察从圣加布里埃尔谷追逐到圣费尔南多谷,速度高达140英里。 A high-speed motorcyclist led police on a chase from the San Gabriel Valley to the San Fernando Valley, reaching speeds of up to 140 mph. 追击开始时,警察试图阻止摩托车手,后者最初拒绝停车。 The pursuit began when officers attempted to stop the motorcyclist, who initially refused to pull over. 晚上 9 点 40 分左右,当司机在 Shadow Hills 的 Sunland Boulevard 投降时,追逐结束了。 The chase ended when the driver surrendered on Sunland Boulevard in Shadow Hills at around 9:40 p.m. 当局没有公布摩托车手的姓名,也没有确认他是否因任何其他罪行而被通缉。 Authorities have not released the motorcyclist's name or confirmed if he was wanted for any other crimes.