温尼康尼警方寻求公众帮助,以确认周二晚上追捕中逃跑的一名超速摩托车手的身份。 Winneconne police seek public help identifying a speeding motorcyclist who fled during a chase on Tuesday night.
温尼康尼警方寻求公众帮助,以确认周二晚上追捕中逃跑的一名超速摩托车手的身份。 Winneconne police seek public help to identify a speeding motorcyclist who fled during a chase on Tuesday night. 晚上 8 点 30 分左右,由于多种顾虑,警官试图拦下这名鲁莽的摩托车手,但因交通拥堵和车速过快而终止了追捕。 The officer attempted to pull over the reckless motorcyclist around 8:30 pm due to multiple concerns, but terminated the chase due to heavy traffic and high speeds. 报警者可以保持匿名,如果他们能认出摩托车手或自行车,就有资格获得奖励。 Callers can remain anonymous and may be eligible for a reward if they recognize the motorcyclist or the bike.