2025年1月3日,洛杉矶州高速追逐行动以逮捕三名因劫车而被通缉的嫌犯告终。 On Jan 3, 2025, a high-speed chase in LA County ended with the arrest of three suspects wanted for carjacking.
1月3日, 2025年1月3日, 洛杉矶州San Fernando山谷的高速追逐以三名涉嫌劫车的嫌犯被捕告终。 On January 3, 2025, a high-speed chase through Los Angeles County's San Fernando Valley ended with the arrest of three suspects wanted for a carjacking. 追击速度达到100英里以上,在一名妇女报告遭到殴打、抢劫和劫车后开始。 The pursuit, which reached speeds over 100 mph, began after a woman reported being assaulted, robbed, and carjacked. 追逐涉及一辆租用的汽车,当嫌疑人停在公寓楼时,追逐就结束了。 The chase involved a rental car and ended when the suspects stopped at an apartment building. 其中两人被立即拘留,第三名在附近被俘。 Two were immediately taken into custody, and the third was captured nearby. 没有人员受伤的报告。 No injuries were reported. 劫车案的其余嫌犯尚未找到。 The remaining suspects from the carjacking have not been located.