在罗瑟勒姆,一名警察以 80 英里/小时的速度追赶一辆被盗路虎揽胜嫌疑人,撞毁了该车辆,并在路人自行车的帮助下将嫌疑人逮捕。 In Rotherham, a police officer chased a stolen Range Rover suspect at 80mph, crashed the car, and arrested him with help from a passer-by's bike.
在罗瑟勒姆,一名警官追捕一名驾驶被盗路虎揽胜的嫌疑人,由于司机未能停车,该车在限速 30 英里/小时的区域内以 80 英里/小时的速度行驶。 In Rotherham, a police officer chased a suspect in a stolen Range Rover, reaching speeds of 80mph in a 30mph zone, after the driver failed to stop. 当嫌疑人撞毁汽车并试图徒步逃跑时,追捕结束。 The pursuit ended when the suspect crashed the car and attempted to flee on foot. 一名路人将自己的自行车交给了警察,警察骑着自行车追上了嫌疑人,并在一个花园里以涉嫌盗窃罪将其逮捕。 A passer-by offered their bike to the officer, who used it to catch up with the suspect and arrest him in a garden on suspicion of theft. 南约克郡警方仍在搜寻第二名嫌疑人。 South Yorkshire Police are still searching for a second suspect.