花旗将英国奖金限额提高到基本工资的六倍,紧随摩根大通和巴克莱银行之后。 Citi raises UK bonus limit to six times base salary, following JPMorgan and Barclays.
花旗集团解除了对英国顶级银行家和贸易商的奖金限额,允许他们赚取最高达其基薪六倍的奖金。 Citigroup has lifted the bonus limit for its top UK bankers and traders, allowing them to earn a bonus up to six times their base salary. 这遵循摩根大通和巴克莱的类似决定,他们将奖金上限提高到基薪的十倍。 This follows similar decisions by JPMorgan Chase and Barclays, who increased the bonus cap to ten times the base salary. 这一变化是在英国取消上限, 使英国成为金融中心后更具吸引力的努力的一部分。 The change comes a year after the UK lifted its cap as part of efforts to make post-Brexit Britain more attractive as a financial center.