美国A&W加拿大计划整合业务,回购其收益基金,并进行IPO以简化结构并提高股票流动性. A&W Canada plans to consolidate operations, buy back its income fund, and pursue an IPO to simplify structure and boost stock liquidity.
加拿大A&W食品服务公司计划整合业务,回购A&W收入版税收入基金,并在多伦多证券交易所进行首次公开募股. A&W Food Services of Canada Inc. plans to consolidate operations, buy back A&W Revenue Royalties Income Fund, and pursue an IPO on the Toronto Stock Exchange. 此举旨在简化公司结构,吸引机构投资者,提高股票流动性。 The move aims to simplify corporate structure, attract institutional investors, and boost stock liquidity. 自2002年以来,A&W商标和知识产权归收入基金所有,收入基金通过从A&W餐馆收取使用费获得收入。 Since 2002, A&W trademarks and intellectual property were owned by the income fund, which generated revenue via royalty payments from A&W restaurants. 结构调整可能导致与其他大型快餐连锁店类似的估值。 The restructuring could lead to a valuation similar to other large fast-food chains.