由于获得医疗保健的机会有限,新西兰农村居民的死亡率较高。 Rural New Zealand residents face higher mortality rates due to limited healthcare access.
由于获得医疗保健的机会有限,新西兰农村居民的死亡率较高,问题包括工作人员短缺、政府任命人数减少、与城市地区相比保健经费减少。 Rural New Zealand residents face higher mortality rates due to limited healthcare access, with issues including staff shortages, fewer GP appointments, and lower healthcare funding compared to urban areas. 农村医生对死于可治疗疾病的病人表示关切。 Rural doctors have raised concerns over patients dying from treatable conditions. 新西兰政府正通过增加医学院名额和劳动力倡议等举措来解决这一问题,以改善农村保健。 The New Zealand government is addressing this through initiatives such as additional medical school places and workforce initiatives to improve rural healthcare.