9 菲律宾商业团体支持能源部的平衡能源政策,将化石燃料和可再生能源纳入能源安全、可负担性和气候变化。 9 Philippine business groups support DOE's balanced energy policy incorporating fossil fuels and renewables for energy security, affordability, and climate change.
9 菲律宾商业团体,包括菲律宾管理协会,支持能源部的平衡能源政策,旨在实现能源安全、可负担性以及应对气候变化。 9 Philippine business groups, including Management Association of the Philippines, support the Department of Energy's balanced energy policy, aiming for energy security, affordability, and addressing climate change. 考虑到东盟国家人均能源供应水平低,该政策纳入了化石燃料和可再生能源。 The policy incorporates fossil fuels and renewable energy, considering the country's low energy supply per capita in ASEAN. 这些群体强调必须开发本地资源和提高能效,以减少对进口化石燃料的依赖。 The groups emphasize the importance of developing indigenous resources and energy efficiency to reduce dependence on imported fossil fuels.