新西兰副卫生部长Costello与2025年无烟区会议戒烟服务提供者会晤。 NZ Associate Health Minister Costello meets with stop smoking service providers for Smokefree 2025 regional meetings.
新西兰副卫生部长Costello与戒烟服务提供者会晤,帮助实现2025年无烟目标。 NZ's Associate Health Minister Costello meets with stop smoking service providers to help reach Smokefree 2025 goal. 在惠灵顿、克赖斯特彻奇、罗托鲁阿和奥克兰举行的区域会议旨在制定一项全面计划,提高戒烟率。 Regional meetings held in Wellington, Christchurch, Rotorua, and Auckland aim to create a comprehensive plan to increase smoking cessation rates. 数据显示,与自己相比,4x人更可能放弃使用这些服务,目前的趋势表明在实现无烟目标方面取得了进展。 Data shows that people are 4x more likely to quit using these services compared to on their own, and current trends indicate progress towards the Smokefree goal.