由于利益冲突,威斯康星州国会警察局拒绝调查6月份的州最高法院堕胎令泄露事件。 Wisconsin Capitol Police declined to investigate June's state Supreme Court abortion order leak due to a conflict of interest.
由于利益冲突,威斯康星州国会警察局拒绝调查6月份泄露的州最高法院堕胎令,因为他们是民主党州长托尼·埃弗斯(Tony Evers)政府的一部分。 Wisconsin Capitol Police declined to investigate the June leak of a state Supreme Court abortion order due to a conflict of interest, as they are part of Democratic Governor Tony Evers' administration. 保密问题和对内部业务的潜在影响导致它们回避调查。 Confidentiality concerns and potential impact on internal operations led them to avoid the investigation. 法院首席法官Annette Ziegler计划探索其他方法,查明泄漏来源。 Court Chief Justice Annette Ziegler plans to explore alternative means to identify the leak source.