卡塔尔农业部(MoECC)对未经许可使用非官方发票经营的无证岩石破碎机公司处以罚款。 Qatar's MoECC fines unlicensed rock crusher company for operating without permit, using unofficial invoices.
卡塔尔MoECC对未经许可经营和使用非官方发票的无照岩石破碎机公司处以罚款。 Qatar's MoECC fines unlicensed rock crusher company for operating without a permit & using unofficial invoices. 野生生物保护部发现违规情况,并将公司移交当局进一步采取法律行动。 The Wildlife Protection Department discovered the violations and referred the company to authorities for further legal action. 这一事件强调了遵守该国许可证发放要求的重要性。 This incident emphasizes the importance of adhering to licensing requirements in the country.