卡塔尔公共卫生部关闭了一家雇用无执照开业医师的私营卫生机构。 Qatar's Ministry of Public Health closed a private health agency for employing unlicensed practitioners.
卡塔尔公共卫生部关闭了一家私营卫生机构,因为违反保健法雇用了八名执业医师。 Qatar's Ministry of Public Health closed a private health agency for employing eight practitioners in violation of healthcare laws. 发现5名护士和3名理疗师在没有适当执照的情况下执业,为未经授权的雇主工作,执行超出其核定执照范围的任务。 Five nurses and three physiotherapists were found to be practicing without proper licenses, working for unauthorized employers, and performing tasks beyond their approved license scope. 从业人员的执照被吊销,目前正在与有关当局协调针对机构和专业人员的法律行动。 The practitioners' licenses were suspended, and legal actions against the agency and professionals are being coordinated with relevant authorities.