卡塔尔关闭了一个私人医疗综合体,因为雇用了没有执照的护士,违反了保健法。 Qatar closed a private medical complex for employing unlicensed nurses and violating healthcare laws.
卡塔尔公共卫生部由于雇用了在一次健康检查中发现的无照护理人员,暂时关闭了一个私人医疗综合体。 Qatar's Ministry of Public Health temporarily closed a private medical complex due to employing unlicensed nursing staff, discovered during a health inspection. 除了没有执照的护士外,还发现了其他违反卡塔尔护理和保健机构法律的行为。 Along with the unlicensed nurses, other violations of Qatar's nursing and healthcare institution laws were found. 目前正在与有关当局合作,对建筑群及其工作人员采取法律行动。 Legal action is being pursued against the complex and its staff, in collaboration with relevant authorities.