根据财政部的数据,由于摊销付款减少,菲律宾政府6月份的偿债账单下降了25.25%。 Philippine gov't debt service bill falls 25.25% in June due to reduced amortization payments, according to the Bureau of the Treasury.
菲律宾政府债务还本付息法案在6月下降了25.25%, The Philippine government's debt service bill fell 25.25% in June, thanks to reduced amortization payments, according to the Bureau of the Treasury. 该法案从去年同月的884亿比索下降到6月的660.8亿比索。 The bill decreased to P66.08 billion in June from P88.4 billion in the same month last year. 利息付款增加了5.22%,达到556.4亿比索,摊还付款减少了70.63%,达到10.43亿比索。 Interest payments rose by 5.22% to P55.64 billion, while amortization payments fell by 70.63% to P10.43 billion. 政府的预算赤字从一年前的2,254亿比索下降到6月的20,91亿比索,减少了7.24%。 The government's budget deficit narrowed by 7.24% to P209.1 billion in June from P225.4 billion a year ago.