新西兰发布全面的海岸侵蚀数据集,以改进规划和适应。 New Zealand releases comprehensive coastal erosion dataset for improved planning and adaptation.
自1940年代以来,新西兰公布了一个新的综合数据集,绘制了全新西兰海岸侵蚀情况图,为社区和理事会更好地规划海岸变化和海平面上升提供了宝贵的见解。 A new comprehensive dataset mapping coastal erosion across New Zealand since the 1940s has been released, offering valuable insights for communities and councils to better plan for coastal changes and sea-level rise. 由40多名研究人员在五年内开发的高详细数据集有助于查明侵蚀热点,帮助更好地规划基础设施维护、沿海灾害评估和适应战略。 Developed by over 40 researchers over five years, the high-detail dataset helps identify erosion hotspots and aids in better planning of infrastructure maintenance, coastal hazard assessments, and adaptation strategies. 这些数据以及交互式地图和照片可在hachange.nz获得。 The data, along with interactive maps and photographs, can be accessed at coastalchange.nz.