新西兰Gisborne的Gisborne根据Soverlay 3B计划种植植被,对抗60 000公顷土地上的土地侵蚀。 Gisborne, New Zealand, fights land erosion on 60,000 hectares by planting vegetation under plan Overlay 3B.
新西兰的Gisborne正在根据一项称为“Overlay 3B”的计划种植永久植被,处理影响60 000公顷土地的严重土地侵蚀问题。 Gisborne, New Zealand, is tackling severe land erosion affecting 60,000 hectares by planting permanent vegetation under a plan called Overlay 3B. 该倡议是Tairāwhiti资源管理计划的一部分,目的是在2017年以来发生16次极端天气事件后,提高土地抗御能力和水质。 This initiative, part of the Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan, aims to improve land resilience and water quality after 16 extreme weather events since 2017. 理事会利用土地评估模型确定种植区,同时考虑外来物种和土著物种,以确保可持续的土地利用。 The council uses land assessment models to identify areas for planting, considering both exotic and indigenous species to ensure sustainable land use.