萧条时期信托基金最初是为寡妇设立的,现在价值145万美元,援助处于危机中的新西兰银行工作人员。 Depression-era trust fund, initially for widows, now worth $1.45M, aids Bank of New Zealand staff in crises.
由William Hartley Hargreaves发起的支持寡妇的萧条时期信托基金已增至145万美元,现在在有需要时向新西兰银行(BNZ)工作人员及其家属提供援助。 A Depression-era trust fund, started by William Hartley Hargreaves to support widows, has grown to $1.45 million and now assists Bank of New Zealand (BNZ) staff and their families in times of need. 这一信任通过高等法院的裁决演变而来,在过去十年里,它提供了32万多美元,用于支持应对健康挑战、家庭危机和流动需要。 The trust, which has evolved through High Court decisions, has provided over $320,000 in support for health challenges, family crises, and mobility needs in the past decade. 它经过仔细管理,确保不断向后代提供援助,同时保持其价值。 Managed carefully, it ensures ongoing assistance for future generations while maintaining its value.