包括一半前吸烟者在内的560万联合王国成人使用电子烟卷;长期使用和双重用途有所增加。 5.6 million UK adults, including half of ex-smokers, use e-cigarettes; long-term usage and dual use have risen.
11%的英国成年人,即560万人,现在使用电子香烟,其中一半以前曾吸烟。 11% of UK adults, or 5.6 million people, now use e-cigarettes, with half of them former smokers. 三年多来,电子香烟的使用率一直在增加,过去三年来,与传统香烟一起跳荡的人数翻了一番。 E-cigarette usage for more than three years has increased, and the number of people vaping alongside traditional cigarettes has doubled in the past three years. 吸烟与健康行动(Ash)敦促通过有效沟通,重点防止儿童抽取烟草,减少吸烟危害。 Action on Smoking and Health (Ash) urges focusing on deterring children from vaping and reducing smoking harm through effective communication.