2022 年澳大利亚的一项调查显示,男性吸电子烟的比例增加了两倍,从 4% 增至 13%,其中大都市男性吸电子烟的比例为 14%,而地区/农村地区这一比例为 9%。 2022 Australian survey shows vaping rates tripled for men, from 4% to 13%, with 14% of metropolitan men vaping compared to 9% in regional/rural areas.
根据一项对 6000 多名 18-65 岁男性的调查,澳大利亚男性的吸电子烟率从 2020-21 年的 4% 增长了两倍,达到 2022 年的 13%,而居住在农村和偏远地区的男性吸电子烟的比例与大城市相比有所下降。 Vaping rates for Australian men tripled from 4% in 2020-21 to 13% in 2022, while fewer men living in rural and regional areas reported vaping compared to those in major cities, according to a survey of over 6,000 men aged 18-65. 这项调查是“Ten to Men”研究的一部分,结果发现,14% 的大都市男性吸电子烟,而地区和农村地区这一比例为 9%。 The survey, conducted as part of the Ten to Men study, found that 14% of metropolitan men vaped, compared to 9% in regional and rural areas. 研究人员建议减少使用电子烟可以改善澳大利亚男性的健康状况。 Researchers suggest reducing access to e-cigarettes could improve the health outcomes of Australian men.