澳大利亚卫生官员监测年轻人被动接触电子烟的潜在风险。 Australian health officials monitor potential risks of passive vaping exposure in young people.
澳大利亚卫生官员担心年轻人接触电子烟的被动危害。 Health officials in Australia are concerned about young people being exposed to passive vaping from e-cigarettes. 卫生部长瑞安·帕克(Ryan Park)证实,该部门正在监测电子烟二手烟的潜在风险,新南威尔士州卫生部正在关注有关该问题的国际趋势和数据。 Health Minister Ryan Park confirms the department is monitoring potential risks of second-hand fumes from vapes, with NSW Health watching international trends and data on the issue. 年轻人参与电子烟的流行促使人们对被动电子烟的影响进行研究。 The prevalence of young people engaging in the practice has spurred research on the impact of passive vaping.