芬兰的奥兰群岛在乌克兰入侵后的紧张局势中加入北约后,对潜在的俄罗斯间谍提高了高度警惕。 Finland's Åland Islands raise high alert for potential Russian spies after joining NATO amid tensions following Ukraine invasion.
芬兰的奥兰群岛是一个拥有 30,000 人口的自治领土,在芬兰加入北约后,它对潜在的俄罗斯间谍或破坏者处于高度戒备状态。 Finland's Åland Islands, an autonomous territory with a population of 30,000, is on high alert for potential Russian spies or saboteurs after Finland entered NATO. 自俄罗斯入侵乌克兰以来,莫斯科和赫尔辛基之间的紧张局势有所加剧。 Tensions between Moscow and Helsinki have increased since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. 根据苏联时代的安全协议,这些岛屿实现了非军事化,现在受到芬兰边防卫队的严密监视。 The islands, demilitarized under a Soviet-era security pact, are now closely monitored by the Finnish border guard. 芬兰的一些国防和情报人士建议,这些岛屿应该重新军事化,但许多居民仍然持怀疑态度,更愿意依靠国际商定的非军事化地位和周围的海军来保护。 Some defense and intelligence figures in Finland have suggested that the islands should be re-militarized, but many residents remain skeptical and prefer to rely on their internationally agreed-upon demilitarization status and the surrounding navy for protection.