如果澳大利亚不实现西澳大利亚的皮尔巴拉地区电气化和去碳化, 就有可能失去250美元绿色铁出口机会。 Australia risks losing a $250B green iron export opportunity if it doesn't electrify and decarbonize Western Australia's Pilbara region.
气候能源财经报告警告说,如果澳大利亚未能使西澳大利亚的皮尔巴拉地区电气化和脱碳,它可能会错过2500亿美元的绿色钢铁出口机会。 Climate Energy Finance report warns Australia could miss a $250B green iron export opportunity if it fails to electrify and decarbonize Western Australia's Pilbara region. 目前,该区域只有2%的电力来自可再生能源。 Currently, only 2% of electricity in the region comes from renewable sources. 为了领导全球绿色铁工业,报告建议发展单一的通用用户电网基础设施,与第一民族人民协商,并实行1 000美元绿色铁税率奖励计划。 To lead the global green iron industry, the report recommends developing a single common-user electricity grid infrastructure, consulting with First Nations people, and introducing a $10B green iron tax incentive scheme. 如果澳大利亚拖延改革,它有可能失去这一机会给其他国家。 Australia risks losing this opportunity to other countries if it delays reforms.