研究显示,幼儿童年故事对扫盲和阅读动机至关重要。 Early childhood storytelling crucial for literacy and reading motivation, according to research.
研究强调,在幼儿期培养对故事的爱是终生阅读成功的关键。 Research emphasizes that nurturing a love for stories in early childhood is essential for lifelong reading success. 在解决识字率下降问题的同时,过分关注声乐可能会阻碍儿童阅读取乐的动机。 While addressing declining literacy rates, an excessive focus on phonics may hinder children's motivation to read for enjoyment. 参与书本分享和从子宫讲故事有助于发展语言和识字技能。 Engaging in book-sharing and storytelling from the womb helps develop language and literacy skills. 家庭在培养这种爱、为高级识字和持久阅读热情奠定基础方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 Families play a crucial role in fostering this love, laying the groundwork for advanced literacy and a lasting passion for reading.