7人在8月9日智利艾森地区小型空难中死亡; 7 died in a small plane crash in Chile's Aysen region on August 9th; cause under investigation, complex weather conditions suspected.
七人, 包括一名飞行员, 在智利南部艾森地区的一次小型飞机毁中死亡. 7 people, including a pilot, died in a small plane crash in southern Chile's Aysen region on August 9th. 涉及Piper Navajo飞机的事故原因正在调查之中,复杂的天气条件是一个潜在因素。 The cause of the accident, involving a Piper Navajo plane, is under investigation, with complex weather conditions being a potential factor. 民航局证实了死亡事件,并宣布将派调查员前往坠机现场。 The Civil Aeronautics Directorate confirmed the fatalities and announced that investigators will be sent to the crash site.