十人死于哥伦比亚Urrao附近的Pacifica旅行飞机坠毁事件,原因不明。 Ten people died in a Pacifica Travel plane crash near Urrao, Colombia, due to an unknown cause.
十人死于哥伦比亚西北部Urrao附近的一次小型飞机失事。 Ten people died in a small aircraft crash in northwestern Colombia, near Urrao. 飞机坠毁时,由Pacifica Travel运营的飞机正从Jurado飞往麦德林。 The plane, operated by Pacifica Travel, was traveling from Jurado to Medellin when it crashed. 恶劣天气使得恢复工作复杂化,目前正在进行调查以确定坠机原因。 Recovery efforts are complicated by bad weather, and an investigation is underway to determine the cause of the crash.