巴西发生小型飞机失事,造成七人死亡。 A small plane crash in Brazil results in seven fatalities.
巴西米纳斯吉拉斯州发生一起小型飞机失事,造成至少七人死亡。 A small plane crash in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, has claimed the lives of at least seven people. 消防队员在飞机上发现了七名乘客的尸体。 Firefighters found seven dead passengers on board the aircraft. 坠机现场还发现了三具尸体。 Three bodies were also found at the crash site. 此前,去年 9 月亚马逊州发生了一起小型飞机失事,造成 14 人死亡。 The incident follows a similar incident in September last year, where 14 people were killed in a small plane crash in Amazon state. 事故发生在北部城镇巴塞洛斯,这是一个热门的旅游目的地。 The crash occurred in the northern town of Barcelos, a popular tourist destination.