韩国增加了对关键农产品价格的监测,并储存了应对通货膨胀的关键资源。 South Korea increases monitoring of key agricultural product prices and stocks critical resources to combat inflation.
韩国正在加紧监测主要农产品价格,并建设国家石油、天然气和其他重要资源储备,以遏制通货膨胀。 South Korea is intensifying monitoring of key agricultural product prices and building up state reserves of oil, gas, and other critical resources to combat inflation. 7月,由于水果、蔬菜和石油价格高涨,消费者价格逐年上涨2.6%。 In July, consumer prices rose 2.6% year-on-year, driven by high fruit, vegetable, and petroleum prices. 政府计划扩大纳帕卷心菜供应,支持卷心菜农场,并在紧急情况下管理基本资源储备。 The government plans to extend napa cabbage supplies, support cabbage farms, and manage stockpiles of essential resources in emergency situations.