韩国12月的通货膨胀率上升至1.9%,使韩国银行的政策决定复杂化。 South Korea's December inflation rate rose to 1.9%, complicating the Bank of Korea's policy decisions.
韩国的消费通胀率在2024年12月上升至1.9%,超过了市场预期,但仍低于中央银行2%的目标。 South Korea's consumer inflation rate rose to 1.9% year-over-year in December 2024, surpassing market expectations but remaining below the central bank's 2% target. 这种增长使韩国银行的政策决定复杂化,特别是在利率、政治动荡以及消费者情绪减弱和最近飞机坠毁等经济挑战的情况下。 The increase complicates the Bank of Korea's policy decisions, particularly regarding interest rates, amid political turmoil and economic challenges like weakening consumer sentiment and a recent plane crash. 该国通货膨胀压力在全年有所缓解,2024年消费物价上涨2.3%,是四年来最缓慢的。 The country's inflationary pressures have eased throughout the year, with consumer prices increasing 2.3% in 2024, the slowest rate in four years.