新南威尔士州政府可能会因首席执行官的请求而推迟赌场无现金过渡,理由是复杂性和安全关切。 NSW government may delay casino cashless transition due to CEO request, citing complexity and security concerns.
新南威尔士州政府可能会推迟明星悉尼和皇冠悉尼向只用卡牌赌博过渡的最后期限,这是应星娱乐集团首席执行官Steve McCann的要求。 The NSW government may delay the deadline for Star Sydney and Crown Sydney to transition to card-only gambling due to a request from Star Entertainment Group CEO, Steve McCann. 赌场必须在8月19日前将所有扑克机和餐桌游戏换成无现金,以打击洗钱和遵守反恐融资规定。 The casinos must switch all poker machines and table games to cashless by August 19th for anti-money laundering and counterterrorism financing compliance. 然而,首席执行干事声称搬迁过于复杂,可能影响安保,可能导致延迟。 However, the CEO claims the move is too complicated and may impact security, leading to a potential postponement.