维多利亚州政府提议进行赌博改革,包括将扑克机最高赌注降低至100美元。 Victorian government proposes gambling reforms, including lowering max poker machine bets to $100.
维多利亚州Allan劳工政府提议进行新的赌博改革,以减少伤害,包括将扑克机最高赌注从1000美元降至100美元。 Victoria's Allan Labor Government is proposing new gambling reforms to reduce harm, including lowering the maximum bet on poker machines from $1000 to $100. 改革将引入有牌游戏, 让玩家可以设定支出限制, 并授权新机器的旋转速率降低。 The reforms will introduce carded play, allowing players to set spending limits, and mandate slower spin rates on new machines. 2025年中期将启动卡片系统试点,强制性关闭地点时间为上午4时至10时。 A pilot for the carded system will start mid-2025, with mandatory venue closures from 4am to 10am. Melissa Horne部长说,这些改变旨在使赌徒有更大的控制权,减少伤害,影响到近30%玩赌博机的维克多人。 Minister Melissa Horne says these changes aim to give gamblers more control and reduce harm, affecting nearly 30% of Victorians who play gaming machines.