由阿拉巴马州联邦法官决定州是否能够起诉州外堕胎援助提供者。 Alabama federal judge to decide if state can prosecute out-of-state abortion aid providers.
联邦法官决定阿拉巴马州是否可以起诉保健服务提供者、帮助孕妇在州外堕胎的倡导者。 Federal judge to decide if Alabama can prosecute healthcare providers, advocates for aiding pregnant women in obtaining abortions out-of-state. 阿拉巴马州共和党总检察长史蒂夫·马歇尔(Steve Marshall)宣布,在罗伊诉韦德案推翻后,资助州外堕胎的团体可能面临重罪指控。 Alabama Republican Attorney General, Steve Marshall, announced groups funding out-of-state abortions could face felony charges after Roe v. Wade overturned. 阿拉巴马州几乎完全禁止堕胎,强奸或乱伦不例外,但允许严重健康风险例外。 Alabama almost entirely bans abortion with no exceptions for rape or incest, but allows for serious health risk exceptions.