联合国重申和平解决查谟和克什米尔争端,援引1972年《西姆拉协定》和《联合国宪章》。 UN reaffirms peaceful resolution of Jammu and Kashmir dispute, cites 1972 Simla Agreement and UN Charter.
联合国重申其在查谟和克什米尔问题上的立场,强调应按照《联合国宪章》和充分尊重人权,通过和平手段最终解决争端。 The United Nations (UN) has reaffirmed its stance on Jammu and Kashmir, emphasizing that a final resolution to the dispute should be reached through peaceful means in accordance with the UN Charter and full respect for human rights. 联合国副发言人法罕·哈克强调1972年《西姆拉协定》是印度和巴基斯坦之间的外交里程碑,在寻求最终解决办法时具有相关意义。 The UN's Deputy Spokesperson, Farhan Haq, highlighted the 1972 Simla Agreement, a diplomatic milestone between India and Pakistan, as relevant while seeking a final resolution. 联合国的立场受《联合国宪章》和适用的安全理事会决议制约,后者包括第47号决议,该决议要求巴基斯坦确保部落成员和巴基斯坦国民从克什米尔撤出。 The UN's position is governed by the Charter of the United Nations and applicable Security Council resolutions, with the latter including Resolution 47, which requires Pakistan to secure the withdrawal of tribesmen and Pakistani nationals from Kashmir.