巴基斯坦总理呼吁就克什米尔问题与印度进行对话, Pakistan's PM calls for dialogue with India on Kashmir, pushing for talks and self-determination.
巴基斯坦总理谢赫巴兹·谢里夫呼吁在穆扎法拉巴德的一次特别会议期间与印度进行对话,以解决包括克什米尔在内的各种问题。 Pakistan's Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif has called for dialogue with India to resolve issues, including Kashmir, during a special session in Muzaffarabad. Sharif敦促印度重新考虑其对2019年取消的克什米尔特殊地位的立场,并履行联合国的承诺。 Sharif urged India to reconsider its stance on Kashmir's special status revoked in 2019 and fulfill UN promises. 他强调了在1999年《拉合尔宣言》基础上进行谈判的必要性,并保证继续支持克什米尔人的自决权,敦促国际社会推动印度争取和平解决。 He emphasized the need for talks based on the 1999 Lahore Declaration and pledged continued support for Kashmiris' right to self-determination, urging the international community to push India towards a peaceful resolution.